Lower Key Stage 2: 'The Hedgehogs': Display work

Metal Music, by Mrs Moreau

Table tennis, by Mrs Williams

Our visit to Narnia, by Mrs Williams

Philosophy for Children, by Mrs Williams

Searching for Narnia, by Mrs Williams

World War 1 presentations, by Mrs Williams

World War 1 posters, by Mrs Williams

Egyptian god factor, by Mrs Williams

Pancake fractions, by Mrs Williams

Forgiveness, by Mrs Williams

Mummy and Sarcophagi designs, by Mrs Williams

Separating solids, by Mrs Williams

Descriptions of God, by Mrs Williams

Welly factor!, by Mrs Williams

Sunshine bars, by Mrs Williams

Boxercise!, by Mrs Williams

Oral stories, by Mrs Williams

Reaseheath college_LKS2, by Mrs Williams

An archaeological dig!, by Mrs Williams

Our school grounds poem, by Miss Davies

Cocktails for sports day!, by Miss Davies

Stop motion animations, by Miss Davies

Get In Touch

St Oswald's Worleston Primary School

Church Road,
Aston Juxta Mondrum,


Main contact Mrs Claire Jordan
SEN Contact Mrs Jo Cliffe