Key Stage 1: 'The Deer Class' 2024 - 2025

Mrs Agnew

Mrs Agnew

Class teacher

Mrs Hislop

Mrs Hislop

Mrs Pink

Mrs Pink

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Evans

Mrs Evans

Class teacher


Welcome to our Year 1 and 2 class page. 


    Our Topic for the first half of the Autumn Term is:



Where We Live


                               Cheshire map schools, geography, cheshire KS1, KS2, | Creativo - Wirral ...



In this topic, we will be exploring the world - its oceans and continents, the United Kingdom with its different countries and capital cities and our home town of Nantwich. We will be learning map skills and identifying some of the different physical geographical features of the U.K. such as rivers, forests and mountain ranges. 


You can find the Continents Song that we all like to sing here:












Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson 9780857631633 | Brand New | Free UK Shipping - Picture 1 of 1



In English, we will be studying the story 'Troll Swap' by the author Leigh Hodgkinson and using the language features and structure to invent stories of our own. 

We will focus on the features of building a story to include a beginning, middle and end. We will be learning how to combine words to makes sentences and uses expanded noun phrases to describe events and characters.





Take a look at our 'Autumn 1 Learning Overview' and 'Knowledge Organiser'  at the bottom of this page to see what we will be covering in our curriculum.



General Year 1/2 Class Information

School uniform: Please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled with your child's name. 

Snack: Your child can bring in their own healthy snack for our 10:25am break or we have a selection of fruit in school that they can choose from.

PE: Our class PE days for Autumn are Mondays and Tuesdays.

Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on these days. School uniform is not needed.



Reading: Please use your login to access Oxford Owls online, where your child's allocated reading books and quizzes will be waiting for them. The children are encouraged to bring home books from our class library as often as they like to read and share with you at home. 

Maths: Your child will receive a My Maths login which will be their online access to weekly maths homework.

Spelling: A page with a short list of words for your child to learn to spell each week has been sent home to practise with you over the week ready for their word quiz on Fridays. These words are linked to the phonic patterns that the children will be learning in their Phonics lessons.  

Class Dojo homework:

This can be found in the files to download at the bottom of this page. While this is not compulsary, it's a great way to learn more about our topic and earn Dojo Points to convert in our shop at the end of term. 


Image result for reading quotes for kids the more you read








Files to Download

Get In Touch

St Oswald's Worleston Primary School

Church Road,
Aston Juxta Mondrum,


Main contact Mrs Claire Jordan
SEN Contact Mrs Jo Cliffe