Lower Key Stage 2: 'The Hedgehogs' 2024 - 2025

Mrs Croft

Mrs Croft

Class Teacher

Mrs Stephenson

Mrs Stephenson

Class Teacher

Mrs Elkington

Mrs Elkington

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Shaw

Mrs Shaw

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to the Hedgehogs' Class Page! 


Welcome to the Hedgehogs' class page. It is the start of a new year and we are heading into Autumn half term 1. We are off to the rainforests of Africa to explore gorillas:


Gorillas of Africa

Why are gorillas found in Africa?

In Y3/4 Hedgehogs, that is what we plan to find out this half term as we fly to the rainforests of Africa. We will be exploring the contient of Africa and will be closely looking at the diverse biome of the rainforest. 

            Gorilla guide: where they live, diet, and conservation - Discover Wildlife

We will be trying to answer this question through our history lessons. 

Please see downloads below to download this term's topic map and knowledge organiser. 


English: This half term, we will be exploring the book 'Gorilla' and will be writing a recount using expanded noun phrases.

Maths: In maths, we will be looking at numbers up to 10,000 before moving out the four operations.

Science: In science, we will be looking at the human body focussing on the digestive system.


Year 3/4 Staff:

We are very lucky to have our amazing staff team in Y3/4 to support the children and help them grow:

Mrs Stephenson: Class teacher (Monday - Wednesday)

Mrs Croft: Class teacher (Wednesday - Friday)

Mrs Shaw and Mrs Elkington: We are really lucky to have a fantastic team of Teaching Assistants who will be supporting and leading children in their learning. 




P.E Sessions:

For the Autumn term, we ask that children can please come to school in their P.E. kits on P.E. days, which are on Tuesdays and Thursdays


Homework Explained

Class Dojo homework:

This can be found on the homework tab at the top of this page. While this is not compulsary, it's a great way to learn more about our topic and earn Dojo Points to convert in our shop at the end of term. 

Weekly Spellings:

Your child will be receving their spellings weekly. Spellings will be given out on a Friday and will be tested the following Thursday. 

Maths Homework:

The children in Y3/4 class are expected to be regularly logging onto MyMaths and completing activities set by Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Croft. These will be linked to what we are learning in class.

Times Tables:

Your child will be given a login for Times Tables Rock stars, an exciting online tool to help them to learn times tables. Your child will have a weekly times tables test on a Friday and we thank you in advance for your support in helping them to prepare for this. 


Your child has a school reading book which is either a colour banded book or a free reading book. They also have an individual reading journal. Please can we encourage as much reading at home as possible and a comment written from you when you can. Thank you. 

Files to Download

Get In Touch

St Oswald's Worleston Primary School

Church Road,
Aston Juxta Mondrum,


Main contact Mrs Claire Jordan
SEN Contact Mrs Jo Cliffe